Governor Hickenlooper: “We’re all leaders from time to time.”

1st September 2015

During last week’s Colorado Innovation Network (COIN) summit, we had to opportunity to witness numerous sharp minds share their thoughts, ideas and visions for the future. One of those sharp minds was Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who sat down with us to discuss Colorado’s entrepreneurial spirit and its place as a leader among the nation in all things cutting edge.

In part two of our interview with Gov. Hickenlooper, we get conceptual, dissecting the very meaning of innovation, the future of COIN and Colorado—plus, the governor gives some very good advice to those looking to think differently.

Innovators Peak: Do you find that, when talking about things like COIN, that the word “innovation” is hard to define?

Governor Hickenlooper: Innovation is doing anything different. It’s the same way that people talk all the time about leadership. What is leadership? I think we just keep distilling it and leadership is any time you persuade someone to do something they weren’t originally planning to do; to believe something they didn’t believe before.

The beauty of that is everybody can be a leader because we all persuade people from time to time and we all are leaders from time to time. That’s one of the things we’re looking on how to infuse that into COIN, because COIN is basically leadership.

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Gov. Hickenlooper says “Colorado is the #1 destination for young entrepreneurs.”

31st August 2015

The Colorado Innovation Network (COIN) summit featured a slew of successful, wise, encouraging leaders from all over Colorado and the country, including none other than John Hickenlooper, the Governor of Colorado.

Serving since 2011, this visionary Democrat wants nothing more than to see the people in his state innovate, succeed and excel. We had the chance to sit down with him at the Capitol and talk about the state of Colorado, its authenticity, clean ethics and how he plans on attracting and keeping America’s entrepreneurs.

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COIN Top 10 People To Meet; Part 1

24th August 2014

As much a veritable “who’s who” of the Colorado social scene as it is a blowout for innovation in the state, Colorado Innovation Network’s 2014 Summit (COIN) boasts an unparalleled guest list of 275 economy-drivers from around the world and across the country. This year’s speaking itinerary, spanning the two-day period of Aug. 26-27 at the MicNichols Civic Center Building, touts – among other left-brainers – opening remarks from Schwab Executive Vice President Andy Gill, an address from Gov. Hickenlooper, a keynote led by General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt and a lecture from Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei.

In an effort to truly use the event as a networking opportunity, we’ve compiled 10 COIN attendees you’ll want to brush up your mingling skills with while there – or maybe hit up for a cup of coffee or an Incredible Pedal next time they’re in town.

The First Five:

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