(Property of Disney/Lucas Arts)

Happy May the Fourth Be With You, Everybody!

We’ve all seen the new Star Wars trailer (right?) and we were all left in awe (…right?). We saw glimpses of all our old favorite characters (how good does Chewie’s fur look? What product is he using?), along with so many new things: a new cast, new effects, and a new buddy for R2-D2 and C-3PO, the adorable BB-8.

Let’s chat about this little guy, BB-8. He’s the little droid with an R2 head, what appears to be a soccer ball for a body, and boops and beeps around a la R2-D2. He’s even got his own cute little emoji that rolls around whenever you use the hashtag #BB8.

I know what you’re thinking, “omg, that’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen, I wish it were a toy. Omg can that be a toy? Omg, if that’s a toy, I want to know where I can get one, right now.” Simmer down, because it is a toy, and you’ll soon have your very own adorable little BB-8 thanks to a Boulder-based robotics company.

(Sphero, in all its spherical glory)

Sphero (4772 Walnut St, Suite 206, Boulder, CO 80301) is a Boulder-based robotics company that created a little remote controlled ball, aptly named Sphero. You can check out our post about the awesome robotic toy company here.

Recently, Sphero revealed their involvement with the highly anticipated new Star Wars and unveiled a sign-up page for anyone who wants to stay in the loop of any future involvement in the beloved franchise. For more insight on this sweet collaboration between Disney and Sphero, We spoke with the co-founder and CTO of Sphero Ian Bernstein and PR Manager Claire Tindall.

Innovator’s Peak: How did Sphero come to collaborating with Disney for Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Ian Bernstein: Last summer we were accepted into TechStars, our second time there with our company, and while there we met with all of the top Disney executives, from Pixar to Marvel to LucasArts. During one of the meetings, Disney CEO Bob Iger said, “Hey, your project looks kinda like something we’ve been working on,” and he hooked us up with all the right people.

Claire Tindall: It was one of those moments. When those Disney stars align, it really is a magical thing.

(Property of Disney/LucasArts)

IP: How involved was Sphero in the overall design of BB-8?

CT: We didn’t actually create BB-8, the character was, more or less, puppeteered in the film. The problem we helped solve was, “how can we bring this experience off-screen?” Knowing how iconic this character can be, how do you bring the experience into the hands of people who want to bring Star Wars into their living rooms or to the park? And that’s where Sphero came in.

IB: We were kind of that solution [Disney] was looking for in terms of commercializing the product.

IP: What does this collaboration mean for Sphero’s future? What’s next?

IB: Our mission, as far as future products goes, is to build real droids, not just the ones in movies.

CT: We’re designing toys to the point where we hope that one day you’re not just playing with your toys but they’re playing with you, they become a true companion and they take on a personality and they take on a likeness that is really unique to the user.

Sphero has even posted on their site instructions on how to build a little BB-8 out of your own Sphero toy. But if you hang tight for a little bit, you should have your very own BB-8 to roll around this Christmas. All thanks to an innovative Boulder-based company, Sphero.