6th May 2015
Get Your Make On: The Maker Lab in GloHi Opens Their Doors to the Community
Local architect Jordan Vaughn, a graduate of the University of Colorado School of Architecture, created his successful design company over 6 years ago, in the industrial area between the Highlands and Globeville. A second generation architect from the Denver area, his company VonMod focuses on cases, cabinets, textured surfaces and modular homes with a modern design aesthetic. His clients have included Awaken Gymnastics on Santa Fe drive, boa technology, Taxi (the co-working space in Rino) and currently his firm is working with University of Colorado Denver and Outward Bound to create 14 modular cabins with design students in the Design Build Program.
In the last year, though, Vaughn has turned his focus toward the maker community as well. Realizing the resources at his company’s disposal in the form of advanced design software and large state of the art equipment, Vaughn and his associate, Patrick Beseda realized the opportunity they had to engage community members and other designers who might want to get a piece of the action. Located in his company’s modern offices at 4415 Cahita Ct. Denver, CO 80216, in the self proclaimed “GloHi” neighborhood, Vaughn opened his doors to the community, in the form of The Maker Lab.