Looks Like Grandma is About to Join Tumblr

2nd September 2015

Think about your mom or grandma. She might be part of the “Greatest Generation,” or a Baby Boomer, so she sure as hell has seen a lot in her life. She’s seen multiple wars, the Civil Rights Movement and the birth of rock music. And now, she’s getting Internet access and she’ll be able to join in on all the Facebooking, Googling and Netflixing that’s second nature to Millennials.

From the looks of it, Comcast is on a mission to:

Make sure any low income senior citizen in San Francisco who wants access to the Internet can have it at the extremely affordable $9.95 per month, plus tax

Teach said senior citizens how to use the Internet so they’re not intimidated once they gain access to it

Comcast made the big announcement about their new Internet Essentials pilot program last week at the Lady Shaw Senior Center in San Francisco. Around 60 seniors were there for the occasion and I can tell you first hand that they were thrilled with the news.

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What do we do with all of these Gigs? 14 Ideas:

2nd June 2015

Comcast has shared some exciting news for Coloradans recently—they’re adding us to the list of states offering residential 2-Gigabit service (starting this summer).

2 Gigabits per second (Gpbs) is ridiculously fast. Gigabit connection delivers 1,000 megabits of information per second (mpbs). In comparison to the average global connection in Q1 of 2014, which was 3.9mpbs, gigabit connectivity is 50-100 times faster than what the average American enjoys today. And now this is coming right to our homes.

“We have been building fiber into our network over the past decade which provides an extremely flexible architecture that can be scaled to offer multi-gigabit speeds to more homes,” said Cindy Parsons, Vice President of Public Relations for Comcast. “Not everyone will need 2 gig speeds, but our belief is to make technology available for the most advanced digital homes of the future.”

Not only does this development in our technological infrastructure play an extremely important role in building a foundation for the hyper-fast internet of the future, but it can vastly improve the ways in which we interact on the internet today.

Think of all of the things it will allow you to do:

1. Video streaming

Whether it’s Netflix, YouTube or all of your favorite sites for “alone time” (whatever you do in your free time is your business), just know that with 2gpbs residential service, you’ll be saying goodbye to those pesky buffering screens we all hate and get your browsing/viewing on much more efficiently.

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BetaMax Bandits Part 1: How The Internet Didn’t Kill The Video Store

9th October 2014

With the death of Hollywood Video and Blockbuster Video stores, a void has been left in the home video marketplace. Online streaming services such as Hulu and Netflix, in addition to a smattering of Mom & Pop operations, have sought to fill this cinematic gap, but they really only succeed at offering new releases. Where do people go to find that new gem of a movie they’ve only heard of but can’t find anywhere?

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