5 Innovators to Look Out for on the 2015 Millennial Trains Project

27th May 2015

Right now there are 25 millennial thought leaders traveling across the country together on one train, all on different missions to come up with innovative ideas to change the world. We have a reporter on that train who is going to be filling us in on all of the best and most exciting things that happen along the way.

So far, we’ve gathered that there are a lot of great innovation brewing on the Millennial Trains Project. Here are five innovators to look out for:

Kalimah Priforce – Oakland, CA


Headmaster CEO of Qeyno Labs, Kalimah is a leader in harnessing the STEM interests of high potential youth from low-opportunity settings through their “Hackathon Academy.”

Kalimah’s Innovative Idea: Building schools of entrepreneurship, rapid prototype development, and design thinking that culminate as web or mobile apps built by youth and their mentors—aka the “Hackathon Academy.” Kalimah is looking to launch two new ones.

Where to follow: @priforce 

A photo posted by Kalimah Priforce (@priforce) on

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