The Denver Lowdown: Jazzman, Play My Blues Away
14th May 2015
Oh, boy! It’s happening! Get ready! Here it comes! THE WEEKEND! And you know what that means, right? Yessir, it’s another edition of The Denver Lowdown, where we sum up all the jazzy, outdoorsy, and artsy goings on of Denver’s hot community. This weekend we’ve got a lot for you, well … five things at least. Five awesome things.
I know, you can barely contain your excitement, I’ll hurry up and tell you what’s going down on the Lowdown.

“Grounded in Flight” Opening Reception (Art Gallery at the DPAC, 1000 14th St #1B-1, Denver, CO 80202)
The Art Gallery at the Denver Performing Arts Complex (or DPAC if you’re into the whole brevity thing) presents “Grounded in Flight,” a trip that begins with a look at modern day relics and takes you all the way to other side of the moon. The showcase features Daniel House Kelly, Chris Tidd, G. Cody Day, and Richard Hart. So check out the opening reception (show lasts through June 27th) with live music, an Art Bar, and Backstage Coffee hors d’oeuvres to whet the appetite. (photo)