The Denver Lowdown: I Am Woman, Hear Me Innovate!
10th September 2015
Hey! Are you guys ready for the weekend?
I can’t hear you!
Okay, that’s probably because you’re reading an article and this is kind of a one-way deal. But, hey, if I got you to yell at your computer screen, all the better.
Anyway, since I assume that you’re all giddy for the weekend I’ll just jump right into it. Here are your weekend activities brought to you by the fine folks at EveryBlock right here on The Denver Lowdown.
Play BINGO for Homeless Animals
If you love animals, bingo, and charity, but could never find an event that seamlessly molded all three together, look no further. Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs will be hosting their third Neighborhood Bingo Night to benefit the Petco Foundation and the Local Animal Rescue of the Rockies. Also, you can totally bring your dog, or cat if you can get them out of the house (lazy freeloading cats…). // 7 p.m., $2-$5, Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs, 3525 E. Colfax Ave.
Multiverse at Downtown Aurora Visual Arts
The more we learn about our world, the bigger it seems to get. We know that we’re on a planet in a solar system in a galaxy in a cluster in what we know as the universe which we’ve believed to be the extent of the world as we know it. BUT, what if it went further? What if there wasn’t just one universe, but a multiverse? At DAVA you can explore those theories through sculpture, wearable robotics, films, and drawings, with videos by guest artist Evan Mann. // 4 p.m., Free, DAVA (Downtown Aurora Visual Arts, 1405 Florence St.
3rd Annual WINGS Soaring to New Heights Conference
Everybody needs a helping hand, especially if you’ve gone through something traumatic. WINGS Foundation, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit agency founded in 1982; their mission is to break the cycle and heal the wounds of those of us who’ve had traumatic experiences. This weekend is a special workshop tailored to clinicians, providers, and criminal justice professionals, but these workshops are open to anyone willing to offer a helping hand. // 9 a.m., $50-$79, Johnson and Wales University, 7150 E. Montview Blvd.
Featured Event: Harnessing Innovation for Social Good: Women Entrepreneurs Driving Positive Change
Now this is a hell of an event, my innovative friends. If you’re a woman, a friend of women, or an innovative thought leader looking to advance, collaborate, and create, join other likeminded folks at the Commons on Champa for a super fun cocktail reception and an engaging discussion with Elizabeth Suarez as she moderates a panel of entrepreneurs and thought leaders. If you’re going to do anything this weekend, check this event out and get inspired. // 5:30 p.m., Free, The Commons on Champa, 1245 Champa St.
Four 20-Minute Astrology Lectures
Keep looking to the stars, people. This month’s meeting will feature four 20 minute lectures by local astrologers Ann Lipofsky, Heidi Crimmin, Constance Wells, and Cary Allen on a wide variety of topics. // 3 p.m., $10, Mercury Café, 2199 California St.
Introduction to Investing
Anybody with any sense of finance will tell you to invest, invest, invest. This weekend, the first in a series of classes to help individual investors understand and implement the principles used by BetterInvesting and how the principles contribute to investment success will take place. You’ll learn basic financial terms, how to perform basic calculations needed for stock analysis, where to find research information, yada yada yada. Learn something financially responsible this weekend. // 9 a.m., Free, Christ Church United Methodist, 690 Colorado Blvd.
Adopt-a-Street Cleanup
Who isn’t into a little volunteer work now and again? Join some charitable folks for the 10th annual Downing Street clean up as part of the City of Denver’s Adopt-a-Street program and keep Denver beautiful! Everyone who wants to help is welcome. // 11:45 a.m., Free, Secular Hub, 3100 Downing #C
Urban Ecology in City Park
If you want to be a part of a pretty awesome family event, then gather your kids and go on an urban wildlife adventure right in the middle of the city! This indoor and outdoor program led by a wildlife expert from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science will take you and yours on a journey to find birds, varmints, and bugs while giving you an exclusive close up with Museum collections. // 9 a.m., $12 adult member, $8 child member, $15 adult non-member, $10 child non-member, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, 2001 Colorado Blvd.
Urban Arts Fund Mural Tour
Some people consider graffiti a crime, others consider it a thing of beauty, breathing life into what was otherwise just a regular urban space. This Sunday, check out the Urban Arts Fund’s “Colorado Crush Mural Tour” that stretches along the west alleyway of Larimer St between 26th and 28th Avenues. This is an urban walking tour, a gallery of the streets, exploring the murals of local and national street artists that took urban decay and created something beautiful.
// 2 p.m., Free, Corner of 26th and Larimer, West Parking Lot.
There, now shoo! Off with you! Get out of here! There’s art, thought leaders, networking events, and volunteer work that I know you’re just dying to be a part of! If there’s ever a weekend to be proud of everything that makes Denver so ridiculously fantastic, it’s this beautiful weekend. Now go get inspired this weekend and have fun!
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