The Denver Lowdown: A Very Special Taylor Swift Edition
3rd September 2015
This is the weekend, my friends. This is what we’ve all been waiting for. This Sunday, Denver will be graced by the presence of none other than the pop of country music, the slayer of Yeezy, the princess of nice, and the girl we all wish we could be. The haters may hate-hate-hate, but we love-love-love Taylor Swift.
Yes, my fellow Swifities. Our favorite pop star will be performing her 1989 World Tour right here in Denver for TWO NIGHTS. This news has got us like:
I know, I know. I can barely contain my fangirl, it’s ridiculous. But while T-Swizzle making her much-awaited appearance is THE event of the weekend (Month? Year? Ever?!?!), there are other pretty awesome events (brought to you by EveryBlock) going down that you should totally check out. It’s okay, Tay Tay approves.

Friday / Taylor Swift Day Eve
Nan Desu Kan
For all you Anime fans of the Rockies, Nan Desu Kan is THE premier Anime event to be at. There’s so much to do, between AMV contests where editors flex their creative muscles, game rooms with intense head-to-head matches, cosplay and costume contests where beginners and masters show off their skills, concerts where you can listen to different artists from all over Japan, dance parties, panels, and so much more in the extensive world that is Anime. This is a three-day event, including Taylor Swift’s shows, so you have quite the decision to make…
// 7 a.m., $30 at door, or $50 for weekend, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Plaza.
First Friday
Yes, folks, it’s the first Friday of September, so you know what that means right? Right? Of course you do, it’s another aptly named First Friday! Everyone will meet at The Village Cork for wine and snacks before everyone heads out for the art walk. The Sand Dollar Gallery and Bell Studio Gallery will be featured this First Friday, so be sure to check it out! // 5:30 p.m., Free, The Village Cork, 1300 S. Pearl St.
Saturday / Taylor Swift Day I
Denver Art Museum Free Saturday
Between First Friday, Taylor Swift, and this, it’s quite the art filled weekend! The First Saturday of every month is Free Day at the Denver Art Museum. I mean, it’s free, why NOT go? Right, Tay Tay?
// 9:30 a.m., FREE, Denver Art Museum, 100 W. 14th Ave. Parkway.
Arabic Conversation and Practice
It’s always good to learn a new language, but everyone learns Spanish, French, and German in school, so why not something a little more challenging? Join a bunch of folks and take a swing at learning Arabic. Work on the alphabet, basic vocabulary, learn how to ask where the library is, etc. It’s important to broaden your horizons, so try tackling a new language! // 11 a.m., Free, Café Europa, 76 S. Pennsylvania St.
Guys, relax, we’ll get to our girl Taylor soon!
I said, RELAX.
Don’t you sass me! Anyway.
Evolutionary Astrology 101
When we need some guidance in our life, where do we look? Our friends? Our religious leaders? Yahoo forums? No, we look to the stars. Using concrete examples, Evolutionary Astrologer Duncan McCollum will describe how Evolutionary Astrology helps us manage life and how that relates to the path our soul travels down. No previous experience is necessary. // Noon, $5, First Spiritual Science Church, 3375 S. Dahlia St.
Sunday / Taylor Swift Day II
A Taste of Colorado
Where my foodies at? It’s time for everyone’s favorite annual food event, “A Taste of Colorado,” featuring over 50 food venues, free samples, free concerts, and free admission. Everyone’s going to meet at 13th and Broadway where you’ll then seek out your favorite foods and stuff your face to your heart’s content. There’s even a special guest, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts!
This will be a huge event, so be sure to get there early before all the good snacks disappear. // 6 p.m., Free, Civic Center Park, 14th & Broadway.
This. This is the weekend, my fellow Swifties. Two days. Two shows. Two GREAT shows. Finally, we will get to see the single most talented, goofiest, naturally stunning, tall, blonde, gorgeous princess of pop music.
So ya’ll better be there, or T-Swizzle herself will have to personally revoke your Swifty card.
I’m just playing, she’d never do that.
Are you all completely out of your heads excited?! Are you?! I’ll see you there. // 7:30 p.m., $35.50 starting price, Pepsi Center, 1000 Chopper Circle.
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