The Denver Lowdown: New Moon Hold’em Workshop
13th August 2015
“What’s happening this weekend?” “What am I going to do this weekend?” “Why isn’t the weekend here already?” “Why is nobody telling me what’s going down this weekend!?” “I GOTTA KNOW WHAT I’M DOING THIS WEEKEND!”
Shut up, already. I hear you. We at Innovators Peak and the beautiful people at EveryBlock have received your calls, your emails, your carrier pigeons, and your telegrams (it’s “ironic”) and we get it, you want someone else to gather all the sweet weekend events and present them in an impeccably organized list for you to take a gander at.
Ignore those events pages on Facebook, people. This is the Denver Lowdown.

New Moon Ritual
No, it’s not a reenactment of that awful, awful Twilight movie. This is a ritual of new beginnings in the midst of a new moon (you know, when you can’t see the moon). In collaboration with the Living Earth’s 1st Degree students and led by Mary Reeves and Robin Vinehall, join these fine spiritual folks and set your intention for this cycle. // 7 p.m., $5 suggested, The “NEW” Living Earth Center, 6000 E. Evans, Bldg 3, Unit 009.
Hold ‘em Tournament and Dealer’s Choice
Can’t read my, can’t read my, can’t read my p-p-p-pokerface … Sorry, I really couldn’t help it. I’m-I’m so sorry. Anywho, if you wanna get in on a friendly tournament with other poker lovers attempting to hide their poker faces (those sunglasses are not working), check this gig out and make some money. // 7 p.m., $20 buy-in, Hearthstone Common House, 4700 W. 37th Ave.
Denver Contra Dance
Live Band Contra Dancing! Is there really any other way to contra? I mean, seriously. Come check out this energetic, enthusiastic, dancetastic contra showdown! Singles and couples welcome and be sure to wear comfortable shoes (unless you’re into the whole blister thing). // 8 p.m., $5-$10, Highlands Masonic Center, 3550 Federal Blvd.
Getting Started with Minecraft Modding
Aw, yes. Time to get some serious Minecrafting on. Devoxx4Kids will be doing a live Minecraft Modding session with his son where you can join and learn the right coding to make your Minecraft biosphere even sweeter and more awesome than it already is. Space and computers will be provided Tuliva, or you can bring your own computer. For kids 9-18. // 9:30 a.m., $10, Tuliva, 2399 Blake St.
SpiritWays Drum Circle
Were you aware that drumming in a group can strengthen your immune system, raise your energy level, and give you all the athletic, acrobatics, and intellect of Batman? Okay, I made that last one up, but the first two are true! Every 3rd Saturday of the month, SpiritWays hosts a drum circle in their shop. Come drum, dance, or chill out and share in the good vibes. // 7 p.m., Free, SpiritWays, 3301 E, Colfax Ave.
Poetry Workshop – Group A
Do you want to be a poet, but need an audience to bounce your ideas off of? Are you trying to perfect your craft but are only getting, “OMG that’s, like, really good!’ as feedback? Into workshops? Well, you better be if you want to check out this Poetry Workshop at Roostercat Coffee House (best coffee shop name ever). Come test your poems in front of a likeminded audience and craft your work into something truly beautiful and meaningful. // 6:30 p.m., Free, Roostercat Coffee House, 1045 Lincoln St.
Brunch and Bling!
Is it even a Sunday without some brunch? Well add some bling to this brunch and you’ve got yourself a brunch. Start your Sunday like Patsy from Absolutely Fabulous and talk, laugh, and share your opinions with these sparkly, fabulous individuals. // 10:15 a.m., Free, The Universal, 2911 W 38th Ave.
Cherry Creek Dam Road 50cc Ride
There ain’t no race like a 50cc scooter race. All scooters are welcome in this 35-40 mph ride through town and across Cherry Creek Dam onto lunch at Café Rio. How adorably badass. // 9:30 a.m., Free, Starbucks, 2300 S. Parker Road.
Well, what are you waiting for? Get up, get out, and go and get your weekend on! (I know it’s Thursday, I’m just trying to amp you up.)
by Glenn Krieger
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