So You Think You Can Network?
30th June 2015
Summer is in full swing, so why not dive in on some exciting social networking events? Whether it is an outdoor or indoor gathering, keep it cool, make some new friends and check out these Denver networking occasions going on in this lovely month of July.
Master Networks/ Denver Entrepreneurs Networking Summer Social
On July 8, this event will allow those to form new relationships and perhaps to renew old ones! All you should bring are your best business-savvy socializing skills. // 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., $5, Chinook Tavern, 6389 South Fiddlers Green Circle, Denver.
This is an event that meets every second Wednesday of the month.
Denver Young Professionals
Denver YP is having an event on July 15 at the NATIV Hotel Denver basement. Unlike the other basement parties that have been attended in the past, this is more upscale. This experience is beneficial to all with the sharing goal of becoming an excellent exec. // 6 p.m., Galvanize— 1062 Delaware St., Denver.
Denver YP’s have networking gatherings/events every third Wednesday of the month.
Top Women in Energy List
For the ladies, on July 22 there is a VIP reception event honoring successful women who made the 2015 Top Women in Energy List. Get a chance to share this experience with the honorees and take the opportunity to network with other like-minded women! // 5 p.m. - 7 p.m., $50, Brown Palace Hotel & Spa— 321 17th St. Denver.
Denver Founders Q&A
On July 29 the Galvanize will host a chance to link with other corresponding entrepreneurs. Embrace the occasion to create connections with others on any knowledge and experiences that may help jump-start your business debut. // 6 p.m, $32-$42, NATIV Hotel— 1612 Wazee St. Denver, CO.
These events are the best type of socializing opportunities that will help aspiring entrepreneurs meet with fellow go-getters. Take the time to build new relationships and collaborate knowledge with those who share the same passion as you — ideally, over a beer or three.
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